Saturday, March 16, 2019

Famed Investor Named In Elite College Scandal, Raising Critical Ethics Questions for All

&l;p&g;&l;img class=&q;size-full wp-image-268&q; src=&q;; alt=&q;&q; data-height=&q;679&q; data-width=&q;1024&q;&g; At least 50 parents have so far been charged in a massive college admission bribery scandal.

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g;Yesterday, William E. &a;ldquo;Bill&a;rdquo; McGlashan Jr., Founder and Managing Partner of the $13B TPG Growth fund, was indicted in the &l;/span&g;&l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g;elite college scandal&l;/span&g;&l;/a&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g;. He was particularly noted for his candor in recorded phone calls about his efforts to buy a slot at USC for his child for $250,000. The tactic, employed by ringleader William Singer, was to&l;/span&g;&l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g; &l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g;photoshop McGlashan&a;rsquo;s son &l;/span&g;&l;/a&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g;to look like a recruitment-worthy football kicker &a;mdash; despite the fact that his son&a;rsquo;s high school did not have a football team.&l;/span&g;

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g;McGlashan has recently gained notoriety as a proponent of impact investing. The Rise Fund, an initiative he co-founded under the TPG umbrella, has raised &l;/span&g;&l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g;over $2B&l;/span&g;&l;/a&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g; for interventions seeking to address global poverty and climate change. &l;/span&g;

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g;The fact that McGlashan was a proponent of ethical investment has raised several deep questions for the sector, and for the general public. &l;/span&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g;Does exercising your unchecked privilege in the world make you less ethical - separate from whether or not your actions are illegal? Should promoters of ethical investments be held to a higher standard when it comes to their personal ethics? &l;/span&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g;Do you need to have impeccable ethics to be a good impact investor?&l;/span&g;

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g;Having spent 18 years in the impact investing sector, and interacted with all types of investors, I would actually argue that impact investors should not be held to any higher standards. Investors are, and should be, held to basic ethical standards, period. &l;/span&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g;But these &a;ldquo;basic ethical standards&a;rdquo; must be considered far beyond simple legal standards.&l;/span&g;

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g;It&a;rsquo;s too easy for us to read this story and say, &a;ldquo;I would never do something that outrageous, or that illegal&a;rdquo; and write off the lessons for impact investment generally, or simply write off The Rise Fund and the many skilled, ethical professionals who also played critical roles in its formation. The opportunity here is for all of us in the field to think more critically about how we hold and share power. &l;/span&g;

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g;Ethics is also about acknowledging the ways that those of us with privilege &a;mdash; whether it be due to social class, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, or the intersections between &a;mdash; can be complicit in exploiting others through fully legal means. As this&l;/span&g;&l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g; &l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g;New York Times editorial&l;/span&g;&l;/a&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g; thoughtfully pointed out, wealthy individuals have always legally worked the system when it comes to accessing elite education &a;mdash; Charles Kushner&l;/span&g;&l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g; happening to make a $2.5M pledge to Harvard&l;/span&g;&l;/a&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g; at the time of his son, Trump&a;rsquo;s son-in-law Jared Kushner&a;rsquo;s admission comes to mind. This recent case is simply a more extreme version of what we&a;rsquo;ve always known to be true, and what we &a;mdash; the generally economically privileged class of impact investors &a;mdash; tend to replicate when we make investment decisions with unchecked privilege.&l;/span&g;

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g;As I wrote in Real Impact, &a;ldquo;Replicating past mistakes is all too easy, because the conventional financial system automatically gives us the power &a;mdash; even encourages us &a;mdash; to make exactly the wrong decisions.&a;rdquo; It&a;rsquo;s perfectly acceptable, and definitely legal, to many impact investors to celebrate job creation at $7.25/hr while the owners of an enterprise make $50 off that labor &a;mdash; because that wage is &a;ldquo;good enough for those people.&a;rdquo; Is that ethical? It&a;rsquo;s considered reasonable to charge a woman 300% interest on a microloan, because her next best alternative was 1,000% from the local moneylender&a;hellip; and then&l;/span&g;&l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g; &l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g;make ~250x on the IPO of the microloan provider&l;/span&g;&l;/a&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g;. Is that ethical? In general, unbalanced relationships to capital and privilege often lead impact investors to take advantage of people in vulnerable situations, desperate for alternatives &a;ndash; in ways that are completely legal. They may even be thanked for doing so.&l;/span&g;

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g;Conversely, doing the thing that&a;rsquo;s legal is not always synonymous with doing what&a;rsquo;s most ethical. Investing is a regulated industry, such that all advisors and managers are required to follow the law both in their personal and professional lives. If anything, the concern I have with the regulation of impact investment managers, and policing of our law-abidingness, is that it actually &l;/span&g;&l;i&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g;limits&l;/span&g;&l;/i&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g; our activism and ability to engage in civil disobedience &a;mdash; as Martin Luther King said in&l;/span&g;&l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g; &l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g;Letters from a Birmingham Jail&l;/span&g;&l;/a&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g;, &a;ldquo;&l;/span&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g;one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.&a;rdquo; &l;/span&g;

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g;At times a little more ethics and a little less unjust law-abiding could actually be the better posture for impact investors to take. Civil disobedience can be critical as we seek to both support frontline communities who literally put their bodies on the line in public protests, and also push the boundaries of society when it comes to how we treat people and the planet.&l;/span&g;

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g;I would posit we ALL could be more ethical, and most critically, more effective impact investors by examining our individual relationships to privilege. What are your sources of privilege? How do they impact the relationships with those whom you hope to benefit? What are benefits you might be given by financial systems that you may want to renounce, in order to strengthen your social impact? What are ways you can check your privilege, particularly when it comes to crafting investments that add value rather than extracting it from communities?&l;/span&g;

&l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g;McGlashen himself once noted,&l;/span&g;&l;/a&g;&a;nbsp;&q;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g;Capitalism isn&a;rsquo;t immoral as much as amoral. It needs to be managed and directed in a way so we can all know what we&a;rsquo;re getting into when we build businesses and invest capital.&a;rdquo; I agree with him 100% &l;/span&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g;on that point, and would challenge him &a;mdash; and all of us &a;mdash; &l;/span&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400;&q;&g;to significantly raise the bar when it comes to ethics.&l;/span&g;&l;/p&g;

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